Saturday, April 25, 2009

The New Saturday

What Parking Spaces?

...Like ABM was saying, yesterday before the wifi cable got pulled...Friday was like a madhouse. Yeah, it took a little time to get going, but by noon, most available parking on the main drag was taken, so in effect, Friday is the new Saturday. ABM interviewed one long time biker who says this festival began in the seventies, in a bar south of town, by a bunch of bikers who gathered each year... that sounds a little bit like Sturgis. He says the city is seriously considering turning this one into a seven day event. We found a lot of out-of-staters. Carolinas, Georgia, even one guy from England. Bet he's nursing a sun burn this morning. By our count, there may be in excess of 140 bikes parked in the lot of our hotel. We haven't seen a half dozen trailers all this week. That's an outstanding trailer to biker ratio for a 300,000..yes..300,000 rally.

She's SO Proud:

The chick in front of us attempted to back her Harley Sportster into a Main Street parking slot, but didn't get past putting the bike into neutral, so the old man took over & parked it. By now, two dozen bikes had pulled up behind us, & I offered to back the better half's softtail in for her..."let me do it!"...ok, okay... geesh.. another little milestone?

Playin' Hookie?

Lots of the bikers we interviewed Friday said they were playing hookie from work. Back when ABM collected a W-2, this was refered to as a.. "mental health day." Being a dreg has advantages.

$3 Water? History!

Levered up, with bags of cash, some of us used to pay three bucks for a little bottle of water. Yesterday, we didn't see one vendor tryin' to sell 'em for more than a Washington.

$4 a cup, or $3 a bottle?

Lots of complaining when the city went from 3 to 4 bucks on a cup of their tap brew. One streetside vendor was selling long necks for $3 bucks. They emptied it into a cup & threw the bottle out. We like to support the town, but maybe, just maybe.. four dollar beer went out with three dollar water? With all respect..just thinkin'...

Internet Bike-Buyin' Blues:

Would make a good biker song. Older dude with a new temporary plate on an '05 Harley CVO, stalls the bike, in packed traffic, not far from the town square. Repeatedly tries to turn her over, with no luck. Giving in, he parks the bike. Turns out he bought it on the internet, drove all the way to Michigan to pick it up, & this was his shakedown cruise. Who among us can lay claim to the title of the only biker never to have had to push it & cuss?

Oyster Experimentation:

Mercury was poppin' out of area thermometers yesterday, before the Atlantic ocean seabreeze finally arrived around dinnertime. The boss (read; better half) was a little dehydrated, so ABM sought out the service of a couple of grocery stores before finding a fifty-count box of Florida oysters. Bombing southbound down US 441 with a fiddy-count white crate of slimeys between my legs was kinda freaking out people in traffic, but, hey, the pick up is back at the ABM compound, wat ya want me 'ta do, walk 'em back? Threw 'em 6-8 at a time into the microwave, dipped 'em in butter, popped onto a saltine, & washed down with a Corona sip. They were so fresh, some seaweed sharing the box looked like it was still growing. $18.00 fer 50 of 'em. Today will hit the bar, pay $9.99 for a dozen, plus tax & tip, to see if a new money-saving short cut has been discovered, or if they're bigger, better when they cost twice as much.

Ride Safe-Ride Smart:

If there are no mc-related fatalities, this will be three years in a row. The cops lay back, don't hassle us, & we respect them back by not freaking out old ladies & trashing the city. Let's go for five or ten with no major accidents.. who sez it can't be done? For now, just two in a row is something else for a biker gathering of this size.

...for the cash ABM laid down for this room, the wifi had better be workin' next time, but as they say.. don't hold yer breath. Check back often at, or we'll tweet ya at

Da Pool...Chicken Soup, Anyone?

Thursday, the hotel swim pool was sparkling clean, chock full of chlorine, inviting. By yesterday afternoon, hairy biker dudes with brewskies in one hand, cigars in the other, lined one side, the honeys on the other. This morning the water has the consistency of a home made pot of chicken soup! Only the carrots are missing.. maybe I'll grab some leftover saltines & throw 'em in..?

Ride On..


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