Tuesday, May 04, 2010

When all else fails you, when cash turns to crap..

Not the Way We Run Our Home:

In business school, they taught that when potential buyers fall out of the marketplace, theoretically businesses would lower prices in order to attract buyers back to the table.

Too bad the real world works like this:

(1) Your taxes--As taxpayers move out of houses, neighborhoods, tax rolls are stressed, and instead of belt tightening, cities, states, the fed want to do business as usual, so the remaining taxpayers are taxed at an even higher rate, when they can least afford the extra taxes (fees). What?

(2) Home owner's insurance--Our premium went up nearly 300 bucks this year. The insurance agent says it's because more people are facing home foreclosure, so there are fewer people needing insurance, so rates for the remaining suckers have to go up to maintain the publicly traded company's profits. What?

(3) Health Insurance--ABM's losing coverage. Say hello to a brand new Harley payment each month, with nothing to show for it. Where did all the white noise about free health care go? Why did my co pay and premium rise 40-60%? What?

Motorcycles may be the one big ticket item (beside your home) that's a reasonable buy, gives you your money's worth, and, at the end of the day provides solace from the daily grind of bad news. Trust me, it works.

Dave Nichols said it best... "When everything turns to crap, and all else fails you, get on your bike and ride."


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