Saturday, April 28, 2012

Leesburg reverses the ravage of time?

Average biker age skewing younger?

Or, is it only here?  Over the past eight years, the average age if the bikers ABM interviews has moved from the 40's and 50's to the 30's and 40's.  We're also seeing a lot of older model, hopped up Harley sportsters parked curbside, a sure sign of gen y'ers.  The older riders are still here, they're just harder to pick out in the more youthful crowd. Many of these younger riders cruise in from the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area.   It's not out of place to see dozens of riders, with or without "colors" making the pilgramage to Lake County.  We've noticed this in Daytona, too.

Ducati dude, check your primary chain/fluid level

Maybe the kid's parents are loaded, and he doesn't care if his primary chain is singing like someone at the trial of John Edwards.  He rode by several times, on the fire engine red duke,  hottie in tow, the bike sounding as if the primary cover might pop a hole at any minute.  Since the last time we had to repair primary damage (we ride a LOT), the ABM brain has developed an acute sense of hearing primary noise.  Replacing primary covers/chains is very expensive.  Too tight, or too lose is not good.  Our bikes are adjusted to 5/8" cold, half inch warm.  Once the chain is shot, you'll never get a correct adjustment.  Noise is often present when the primary is dry.  Not good, unless you're running an open belt. 

Thank you officer, we'll n-e-v-e-r speed again.  

Bikefest is expecting to break their all time high attendance record this weekend.  300 thou?  That's a lot of bikes for a little town.  We've seen a few more cops than usual this go-around, but they're mellow as usual.  BTW, we'd like to thank the Umatilla cop who followed us, but didn't pull us over for our lack of discretion in backing off the throttle after an exhilarating ride through the Ocala National Forest.  Here's a little ABM tip you may find comes in handy when you're blasting down the slab, and find yourself just a little over the speed limit, and then you see the "man" headed toward you from the opposite direction:  DO NOT QUICKLY LET OFF THE THROTTLE.  (unless you're doing 100).  The dip in your headlight beam attracts them like moths to a flame, as they do a 30mph 180 to run you down and jack up your insurance rates.

Are we witnessing here, a move to welcome the free-riding, free-spending biker crowd?
Is our contribution to the good of their local economy far more important than a wad of $200 tickets?  You don't have to own a degree in economics to see which is more important.

Enjoy your weekend, and check back for more news from the little town that could.


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