Thursday, January 18, 2007

2007, Already?

January is nearly over, and for ABM, that means "Speed Weeks" in Daytona, beginning w/t 24 Hour Rolex, (or whatever they're calling it this year), and ending with the NASCAR 500 in mid-February. While the race fans bring lots of money to town, acccording to the money figures we've seen, Daytona's Bike Week, which only runs from March 3rd thru 11th, brings way more cash into the hurricane-strapped economy. Bikers love to ride, and spend money, and the better time they're having, the more money they spend. Look at Sturgis. They'd be in the stone age without bikers.

Daytona Cops: For years, we've heard the complaints about strict law enforcement by Daytona's finest, but during '06, the world's most famous beach got a new police chief, and, for the first time, ABM noticed a more relaxed atmosphere along Main Street. Yeah, screw up bigtime, and you'll still get that yellow slip of paper, but many times, minor infractions are viewed as just that, minor things like bikers having a good time. We're looking forward to this year's spring rally. ABM will be there, microphones in hand to bring you the latest biker news.

Keep checking in as the riding season heats up, and we report back on all the stories, good and not so good.


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