Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ABM's Evo Teardown-Final Before Ordering Parts-3 Vid's Below:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ABM's Evo Breakdown Vids--Oil Pump, Cam, etc

Monday, May 24, 2010

ABM's S/S 111 cu in Evo Rebuild-pt1-Teardown & Inspection

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pump Gas: Why so expensive?

Just the facts:

From a lofty high in the upper eighties just a couple of weeks ago, the price paid for a bbl of crude oil on the world spot market traded all the way down to the mid sixties yesterday afternoon.

Did your local gas station sell regular for as much as $2.85/gal when oil was trading at it's high? If so, a reasonable person might well expect to be paying $2.15/gal based on yesterday's price for a bbl of crude oil.

Fact 1:

The universal rule of pump gas price? Fast to rise, slow to fall. How many more years? Don't we have a Federal Trade Commission, or are they too busy enjoying free lunch?

Fact 2:

The less expensive oil is, the less expensive pump gas (after the bloodsuckers take their cut on the way down), will be, and the lower the pump gas price, the higher the quality will be. ABM has noticed this already. We got 2 gal of Shell 93 octane yesterday that ran like race gas compared to what we've been draining out of the same pump since February.

Coming next week: Video shots of ABM's spare S/S 111 cu in tear down/rebuild project. Step one, (in which Doris gets her oats--sorry Beatles white lp reference), shows two bros busting the 50,000+ mile engine being torn to shreds, and inspected for wear 'n' tear. Check it out!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sun Guard Sun Protection Wash In For Clothes!

Hey Look:

Turns clothes into sun block. According to the instructions, you drop a box in with the clothes you want to block sun, and wash through the cycle. An ordinary tee shirt has an spf of just 5, not good. This manufacturer claims their product can turn that spf 5 shirt into an spf 30!

Two bucks a box!

They prefer on line orders, but we used the phone:


1-317-357-5715 X110

Drop in next week to see vids of Jeff's V-Twin breakdown!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Europe On Sale? Half Off Riding Alp Twisties?

Euro MC Tour Sale?

Why so many Europeans at Daytona, Sturgis bike weeks? Half the population of Telluride in August is of European descent. They're here because everything in America (for them), is on sale, at as much as 50% off.

Check out a typical ABM Daytona Interview:

ABM- How can you afford to come here each spring?
I-DUDE-I buys me a Honda Gold Wing, sends it back to sell.
ABM- Are they that much cheaper over here?
I-DUDE-Five Thousand Dollars Less.
ABM: And that would pay for the trip?
I-DUDE-Yes, that, and 50 pairs of Levi's.

...It's probably a safe bet that we won't be seeing him at the 2011 Daytona Rally, here's why. Recently, the euro was twice as strong as the US dollar. Hand them 2000 dollars in greenbacks, you get back 1,000 dollars in euros. The I-Dude was simply working the other end of the deal. In reverse, this trend works for us. Suppose you wanted to take one of those expensive euro tours, where they give you a great bike, meals, lodging, guide, and support through 17 countries in 20 days. At half price, some of us might decide to give it a try.

Economics 101:

Current ratio of the euro/us dollar is about 128 to 100, down from a high of 160 to 100. ABM's seen predictions of parity, or one euro for one greenback, or even lower. Price that euro tour, and watch the retail go lower, lower, lower... Finally, our bucks are getting some respect, and that $25 dollar Paris cheeseburger will only cost $12.50.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

When all else fails you, when cash turns to crap..

Not the Way We Run Our Home:

In business school, they taught that when potential buyers fall out of the marketplace, theoretically businesses would lower prices in order to attract buyers back to the table.

Too bad the real world works like this:

(1) Your taxes--As taxpayers move out of houses, neighborhoods, tax rolls are stressed, and instead of belt tightening, cities, states, the fed want to do business as usual, so the remaining taxpayers are taxed at an even higher rate, when they can least afford the extra taxes (fees). What?

(2) Home owner's insurance--Our premium went up nearly 300 bucks this year. The insurance agent says it's because more people are facing home foreclosure, so there are fewer people needing insurance, so rates for the remaining suckers have to go up to maintain the publicly traded company's profits. What?

(3) Health Insurance--ABM's losing coverage. Say hello to a brand new Harley payment each month, with nothing to show for it. Where did all the white noise about free health care go? Why did my co pay and premium rise 40-60%? What?

Motorcycles may be the one big ticket item (beside your home) that's a reasonable buy, gives you your money's worth, and, at the end of the day provides solace from the daily grind of bad news. Trust me, it works.

Dave Nichols said it best... "When everything turns to crap, and all else fails you, get on your bike and ride."

Saturday, May 01, 2010

10$ Shrimp, $5 Dollar Gas, Black Gold Beaches..?

Coastal residents of La, Ms, Al, Fl, face what could be the worst ecological disaster in US history:

Aside from the horrible beating the commercial fishing interests in the gulf will endure, consider the ecological cost to wildlife, and to the beautiful, sugar white beaches from the bayou to Florida's panhandle.

If you like shrimp, stock up now, or pay way more later. Same for oysters, clams, while they last. Of course, we may get lucky, and someone figures out how to cap the nasty. Otherwise, it's going to be a long, hard grind, until we get this monster under control.

While the limeys at British Petroleum, (BP) finger point at Transocean, (RIG), builder of the platform, strong southerly wind is pushing the mess ever closer to Louisiana's precious delta, birthplace of sea and bird life. Can you believe that one of these companies earned 6 Billion dollars in the last fiscal quarter? Instead of lawyering up, may we suggest they get off their a--_'s, and get this sucker plugged up? I'm tellin' ya..

The Reality:

Politicians are coming out of the woodwork to demand the halt of future plans for offshore drilling. With oil supply and demand so tightly knit, Americans could see $5 a gallon gas sooner rather than later. Markets trade on speculation, not reality.

Hope for some:

ABM is hearing that spill cleanup workers are being hired at $16-$18 an hour. That's a good wage, and we hope the hiring will be restricted to residents who will suffer the most from the damage.